
You are only a phone call away from qualified service and advice.

Your partner through the entire process

With Mouritsen, you are always just a phone call away from qualified service and advice. We can help you all the way through the lifetime of your equipment - from solution design to maintenance and life extension.

Our strong team of specialists enables us not only to provide a good service, but also to provide advice on solution design, optimization and life extension of your equipment - thereby helping you to a better ROI (Return On Investment) and an improved energy optimization. Regardless of whether the task includes surface treatment, liquid handling or offshore equipment.

Services Call box 2

We're only a phone call away…

+45 75 55 46 64

Our approach

It is our most important task to ensure that you have the right equipment and that it lasts as long as possible.

That is why we have a large and professionally versatile service department with proven experience within the industries we deal with. Our insight into our customers' processes and technologies enables us to be involved during the entire process - from advice to solution design to installation, service inspection, procurement of spare parts and continuous training of employees.

Peiter Mouritsen - XM anlæg Moment

CASE – Muehlhan A/S

I denne video kan du høre vores kunde Muehlhan A/S fortælle om deres erfaringer med Mouritsen som servicepartner.

“Indkøring og service har været ud over alle forventninger. Mouritsen stod klar fra dag ét, hvor vi skulle starte med at køre med vores Osucas-metalliseringsanlæg. Når vi har nedbrud eller har bare brug for assistance, kan vi altid regne med Mouritsen.”

Louai Cherkway, Production Manager hos Muehlhan A/S

Osucas metalliseringsanlæg Muehlhan

Erfaren og alsidig serviceafdeling

We take care of all services

With a service agreement from Mouritsen, you are guaranteed direct access to one of the industry's largest and most technically competent service departments.

With our capacity and professional expertise, we can offer service agreements that are tailored to your company's needs. And you can trust that the most skilled professionals in the industry are always ready to help you when you need it.

We also offer training and education courses at your facility both of shorter or longer duration.

This is what we can do for you

Energy optimization through service

Did you know that well-thought-out service can be translated into environmental gains?

There is a wide range of potentials in ensuring optimal operation and life extension of equipment. As an example It can be in the form of a reduction in waste and material consumption or a longer product life of the equipment via optimized processes.

We are always available for a chat about how we can help you reduce your energy consumption.

CASE – Alcumatic A/S

Du kan i denne video høre mere om, hvordan vi har hjulpet overfladespecialisten Alcumatic til optimerede produktionsprocesser og mindre materialespild.

”Da vi købte anlægget ved Mouritsen, fik vi selvfølgelig rådgivning med i købet. Da vi fik vores maleanlæg, fik vi så også hjælp til indkøring og indstilling af anlæggets funktioner, således at det kunne nemt tages i brug.” 

Chris Claudi Pedersen, Industrilakerer hos Alcumatic A/S

2KE amleanlæg
Jacob Axelsen

Hi, my name is
Jacob Axelsen

If you have any questions regarding our products and services, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

We are ready to help you
Contact us by phone or e-mail