
Mouritsen – a value-driven and responsible company

Mouritsen A/S has more than 20 years of experience as a product and solution specialist consulting within the field of surface treatment, offshore/energy and liquid handling.

At Mouritsen A/S, we combine our extensive experience and deep process insight with our passion to constantly develop and educate ourselves. We always strive to increase our customers’ performance with top quality specialised solutions, while leaving a positive impact on our environment.

We offer expert advice on technical and innovative solutions across trades in the process and manufacturing industry. We supply everything from individual components to complete machinery, and we can advise you throughout the entire process, whether you require solutions for offshore and energy, surface treatment or liquid handling.

We always strive to ensure that our customers get the best return on their investment. We do this by keeping our finger on the pulse regarding product development and technological development and by thinking innovatively – often in collaboration with our recognised business partners and suppliers.

This means we often deliver novel solutions that have not been seen before, so that we can meet our customers’ needs.

Our values are our guiding star

We describe ourselves as a values-based company, as we try to live up to our three core values every day:

  • Quality

  • A good workplace

  • Responsibility

All of our employees helped to choose these core values, because it is important to us that everyone feels they have a shared responsibility for our success as a company, and that we are doing our jobs in a healthy and responsible way.

Read more about our values here .

We help you throughout the lifetime of your equipment

We always strive to give our customers a positive experience throughout the lifetime of their equipment – from designing solutions to maintenance and extending the service life.

That’s why we have a technology centre and a professionally versatile and competent service department with proven experience in the industries we deal with. We offer ongoing training in the correct use of our equipment, and we have the necessary insight into our customers’ processes.

Read more about our approach to service and our service agreements here .

We think sustainably

We are responsible and we consider the impact our actions will have on our future  – both as a company and as individuals. This is also why one of our core values is responsibility – we are aware of our environmental footprint and of our role in the green transition.

We work towards two of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on a daily basis: SDG No. 12 (Sustainable Production), as our equipment is always performance-enhancing and sustainable, and SDG No. 4 (Education), as we are constantly developing our employees’ skills so that they can offer specialised solutions that include the latest technology and equipment.

Det er vigtigt for os, at alle medarbejdere hos Mouritsen A/S trives, at vi leverer specialløsninger af høj kvalitet og at vi tager ansvar for vores eget og vores kunders miljøaftryk. Se mere om vores kerneværdisæt her i videoen.

Kerneværdier video

Quality and HSE

Leaving a positive impression on society, the environment and people is a key focus at Mouritsen. In more specific terms, this means that we have committed to placing
great emphasis on creating good frameworks for the health and safety of our employees and our customers alike. This means that we continuously ensure:

  • That our employees are trained in relation to the handling of materials and machinery

  • That we prioritise solutions that reduce environmental impact, e.g. energy optimisation and minimising the use of thinners.

  • That we continuously work on ongoing improvements and that our management systems are certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015

  • We are in the process of obtaining ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certification for our environment and health and safety systems.

  • Our solutions are developed in accordance with applicable standards, in which ATEX is a both special focus and an area of expertise.

We are ready to help you

Contact us

Board of directors

Claus Andersen

Claus Andersen


HSEQ and Business Support


Poul Erik Pedersen

HSEQ Manager

Mette Løgstrup

Mette Løgstrup

Business Supporter

We are ready to help you
Contact us by phone or e-mail