Would you like to work for a company with strong focus on employee involvement and well-being? And become part of a dynamic organisation with short decision-making processes and strong teamwork between departments? Then you should consider Mouritsen A/S as your next workplace.
At Mouritsen A/S, you will be part of a workplace where we go to work every day to create solutions that do not already exist - and where the goal is not only to increase our customers' performance, but also to make a positive impact on the surrounding community and the environment.
We work according to three core values - quality, responsibility and the good workplace. These are values that define us as a company and as a workplace, and they are values we strive to live by every single day.
We offer an exciting and varied workday in a welcoming and positive organisation with room to accommodate your individual needs and personal development. We like to involve the individual employee in both large and small decisions, and we have a declared goal of being a good workplace. Both professionally and socially.
You can find current vacancies below. You are also always welcome to send us an unsolicited application at job@mouritsen.com .
Hear what Mette has to say about Mouritsen working with ESG
Service technician at Mouritsen
The employees
Are you looking for more range in your responsibilities and at the same time wish to join a professional and complex company dealing with project sales, equipment rental and B2B product sales? Then you could be our new Chief Commercial Officer responsible for sales, marketing and development of service concepts.
Har du indgående kendskab til både elektrisk, mekanisk, pneumatisk og hydraulisk fejlfinding og -retning, og ønsker du en udfordrende og spændende hverdag, er det måske dig vi mangler.
Har du en solid teknisk erfaring og en håndværksmæssig uddannelse som eks. elektriker, elektromekaniker, automekaniker eller lignende, med en analytisk tilgang til løsning af opgaver og fejlsøgning, og ønsker du en udfordrende og spændende hverdag i en vækstvirksomhed - så er det måske dig, vi står og mangler.
Har du en teknisk uddannelsesbaggrund suppleret med nogle års relevant erfaring, eller sidder du i dag i en lignende stilling i en teknisk virksomhed og er klar til nye udfordringer? – så har vi jobbet til dig! Der venter dig et spændende job i en uformel og dynamisk vækstvirksomhed, der er leverandør til den grønne omstilling. Du kommer til at indgå i et kompetent teknologiteam samt får et bredt samarbejde med vores kunder samt virksomhedens øvrige funktioner