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A flexible and gentle process

Ultrasonic cleaning is an obvious method for cleaning complex and delicate items regardless of surface type. You avoid manual cleaning with harsh chemicals in favor of a closed process that ensures an efficient and consistent result every time.

Ultrasonic cleaning

When cleaning with ultrasound, ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 21.5-130 kHz are used, depending on the application and the item in question. This allows you to remove paint residues, cooling lubricants, oil, rust, limescale, etc.

Ultrasonic cleaning is a gentle process that is suitable for e.g. stainless steel surfaces and aluminium, but it can be all types of surfaces – including plastics, metals, composites, etc. You are guaranteed an effective and gentle surface cleaning, where you can, for example, adjust the frequency and temperature depending on the application. At the same time, the purification takes place in a closed process without the use of environmentally harmful chemicals.

How is ultrasonic cleaning done?

Ultrasonic cleaning takes place in a tank chamber that is filled with cleaning fluid. In it, the blanks to be cleaned are immersed. The actual cleaning takes place via an ultrasonic transducer, which generates high-frequency sound waves. These sound waves create vibrations that lead to implosions of microscopic bubbles in the cleaning fluid, which in turn create tiny pressure waves in the liquid. Through these pressure waves, any impurities are loosened from the surface of the workpiece.

Want to know more? You are always welcome to contact us if you want our advice on ultrasonic cleaning. Of course, we are also happy to provide an offer if you have a specific task.

Ultrasonic Cleaning

Ultrasonic Cleaning

CL-serien billede


Tabletop model up to 25 liters.

Combi serien billede


Industrial model up to 150 liters.



Heavy duty model up to 508 litres.

We are ready to help you
Contact us by phone or e-mail